Should you make resolutions for 2021? The jury is out on whether it is a good idea to set goals for the new year after the one we just experienced waylaid any plans that we had made.
Some respond to the resolutions question with a resounding “yes,” that we need resolutions to put structure around these days that sometimes seem to blend into one another. Others suggest that we be more kind to ourselves and not bother with resolutions because there are too many unknowns ahead to create a to-do list for new year.
Let’s err on the side of kindness, to ourselves and our careers, and not make resolutions per se. Let’s call them changes. There are 3 changes you can make in 2021 that should not task you too much should you become overwhelmed with work and, well, life. These changes can only help your career whether you are back working in the office, working from home or if you are between roles. Our advice: Start small, and check in with yourself from time to time to gauge how you are doing.
3 Changes to Further your Career

Staying in touch with connections should not stop once you land your dream job. It is good practice to regularly to reach out to former colleagues and managers, people you meet at conferences or trade shows and others you come in contact with throughout your career. A phone call, email or quick message through LinkedIn should not take too much of your time and can make a world of difference to you and to the person you contacted, and it could lead to a career tip. Our advice: Read up on your industry first so that you have news to share. This is a quick and easy learning opportunity!

Learn a New Skill
Which brings us to our next change. If 2020 taught us anything it is that we need to be flexible, able to react quickly to new situations, and adapt. To do any or all of these things, we need to be on top of our game professionally. While you probably will not be heading out to an in-person training session or class, you can take advantage of e-learning opportunities that are available, from online courses and meetings of local professional organizations to webinars and panel discussions. Our advice: Do some research first to learn which skills are most in-demand for the work you want to be doing in 2021 and beyond. For our part, Genesis10 provides such learning opportunities as our Leaders Helping Leaders luncheon learning events and our coding bootcamp for junior developers, Dev10, which is currently offered virtually in select locations.

Take a Bold Chance
This is a change we borrow from Christopher D. Connors, a leadership coach and author of the book, The Value of You. We love the idea of it and think it is appropriate for just about any time:
“For any of you…looking to make a bold change in your career, just know there’s so much unknown in the market. But that should never stop you from taking a bold chance…Take a leap of faith when you have a great idea you believe in, and a well hashed out game plan for achieving your goal.”
This change is not small and requires some courage, which we all could use more of in 2021. Our advice: Be brave in the days ahead. Do not be afraid to try something new or step outside of your comfort zone. Maybe 2021 is the year you try for that promotion or consider a new role. Genesis10 can help with that!
Finally do not forget about work/life balance. Eat well. Exercise. Spend time with family (and friends, safely). Once the pandemic is over, you will be glad you did and you will find that the small changes you made in 2021 really make a difference in your career.